Answered By: Marla Morris
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2023     Views: 119

Yes, our collection offers online access to many books and articles.  We subscribe to over 400 research databases, some of which offer e-books. 

It is best to search our catalog by title, author, or subject.  If available online, the catalog entry will have a link under "Access Online."  If you are a current law student, faculty, or staff, sign in to the catalog to access online materials available in a law school database.  Each database may have its own borrowing policy.

Our catalog also includes materials in databases subscribed to by DU's main library, Anderson Academic Commons.  This is indicated by the "DU" symbol.  Due to license restrictions, law students and attorneys must be physically present in Anderson Academic Commons to access these materials.  Check in at their circulation desk to obtain a temporary computer log-in.

Screenshot of Catalog Entry for E-Book in AAC database

Screenshot of Catalog Entry for an E-Book Available Through DU Main Campus.

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