Answered By: Marla Morris
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2022     Views: 1605

To make a reservation for a study room, use the electronic reservation system

Instructions for booking a space:

  1. Navigate to the date you want to reserve using the Go to Button.
    Screenshot of Room Reservation System - Go To Date Button

  2. For information about the room, click on the Info button. 

  3. Click on the first time slot you wish to reserve.Screenshot Study Room Reservation System Select timeslot

  4. At the bottom of the grid, click on the drop-down menu and choose the end time for your reservation. Screenshot Room Reservation System - Choose End Time

  5. Read the Terms & Conditions and select the Continue button to proceed with your reservation.
    Screenshot Room Reservation System Complete Booking

  6. Fill out the form and select the Submit my Booking button

You will receive a confirmation email with a special code. Bring the email and code to the space. You are required to scan the QR code you find in the study room, seat or other space. When you scan the QR code, it will ask you for the code.

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