Answered By: Karina Condra
Last Updated: Aug 31, 2024     Views: 20

You can print a list of the folder items in Bluebook format by creating a bibliography. Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Zotero desktop app
  2. Hoover over the sub-folder in the left-side folder navigation
  3. Right-click on the sub-folder

right-click folder

  1. Choose Create Bibliography from the Collection
  2. You can choose either:
    1. Copy to clipboard
    2. Print
  1. If you choose copy to clipboard, then:
  1. Click Okay
  2. open a Word document
  3. Right-click the document and choose paste
  4. It will paste a bibliography in Bluebook Format
  1. If you choose to print, it will send the bibliographic list of items to your printer.
  2. Create Bibliography options

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